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Le destin de Zaoua s’achève brutalement à Garissa

Réflexion Cette année, Zaoua✱, une jeune fille Kalenjin, devait se rendre à un stage d’enseignement. Elle n’y participera pas et ne pourra jamais aider ses parents vieillissants. Sa vie, ainsi que celle de 146 autres camarades étudiants, a été subitement écourtée par les balles des terroristes d’Al-Shabab, le 2 avril dernier, le jour de l’attaque de l’Université kenyane de Garissa.

Waiting to be accepted or not into Swiss society

A couple of weeks ago, during a long chat, a friend asked me: «How easy is it to integrate into Swiss society?» She happens to be a native of this country. My answer was, «It’s not easy but if you really want to, you can».

Crossing death

I was a little bit lonely during the summer holidays, and maybe that’s why I was able to follow the London Olympics Games, from the opening ceremony up to the closing. The London Games were going to remain perfect in my mind, if not for the fact that a few days after the closure, I learned that the dream of a Somali athlete, Samia Yusuf Omar, had ended in the Mediterranean sea.

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