CoronaNEWS #1

Multilingual news on the measures taken by Switzerland to fight Coronavirus
L’Entraide Protestante Suisse (EPER), in collaboration with the Canton of Vaud and the University of Lausanne releases “CoronaNEWS”: weekly information videos, in four languages: (English, Arabic, Spanish and Tigrinya to begin), which relays measures and decisions taken by the Swiss governement to fight Coronavirus.
In order for all people in Switzerland to participate in the solidarity effort and to be optimally protected against the Coronavirus epidemic, it is essential that they have access to official information in their own language.
You will find the videos below:
Feel free to spread these videos on your networks and share abundantly on social networks!
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Flash Infos #239
Sous la loupe : Europe: accélération de l’examen du concept de « pays tiers sûrsLire la suite