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Je parlais avec une amie #3/3

Une édition limitée d’anecdotes du quotidien de l’asile

Je parlais avec une amie #2/3

Une édition limitée d’anecdotes du quotidien de l’asile

Je parlais avec une amie #1/3

Une édition limitée d’anecdotes du quotidien de l’asile

80 million scars on world’s conscience

80 million forcibly displaced people by the end of 2019

My last Christmas in Syria

My last memories of the magic of Christmas festivities in Syria The end of each October and the coming of November and December had always been a period of special significance to my family. It was the arrival of an event which we all had been eagerly waiting for: the informal declaration of the Christmas Season at our home in Syria! My wife, but specially my two children were insisting every time that we started the preparations for Christmas season as early as November. I myself, although sensing the sameLire la suite

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