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فم مفتوح وآذان مغلقة

"The cries of death" by Eissa Mousa, syrian painter.

« The cries of death » by Eissa Mousa, syrian painter.

في البداية عمدت إلى رفع صوت التلفاز بحيث يعلو على أزيز الرصاص وأصوات الإنفجارات في المناطق المجاورة. دربت طفلها على سد أنفه وقطع التنفس بينما يجتازون أكوام القمامة المنتشرة في الحي عند مصادفتهم لمشاهد التعذيب كانت تشير إلى منطقة بعيدة في الاتجاه المعاكس وتقول لطفلها: »ثمة مراجيح هناك! ». مع اقتراب صوت الرصاص من منزلهم صارت تحضن طفلها وتغطي أذنيه براحتيها. عمدت إلى تغطية عيون الطفل بكفيها عندما تدمر بيت جيرانهم وانتشرت أشلاؤهم في كل مكان . عندما أخرجت طفلها من بين الأنقاض كانت عيونه مفتوحة وأذنيه كذلك وأنفه وفمه ، ولم يكن ثمة داعٍ لإغلاقها. فتحت فمها وأطلقت صرخة عظيمة لدرجة أن سمعها العالم بأسره، ولكنها كانت صرخة قوية لدرجة أنهم احتاجوا إلى تغطية آذانهم براحات أكفهم!

رامي الابراهيم

Open mouth, closed ears

"The cries of death" by Eissa Mousa, syrian painter.

« The cries of death » by the syrian painter Eissa Mousa.

At the beginning, she turned the television up so her child would not hear the gunshots and explosives nearby. She trained her child to close his nose and stop breathing as they passed by the piles of garbage in their district. When there were scenes of torture, she pointed out to a far area in the opposite direction saying: “there are swings there ». As gunshots became closer, she hugged her child putting her hands around his ears. As their neighbor’s house was destroyed and their flesh was spread everywhere, she covered her child’s eyes with her hands. When she was taking her child out of the wreckage, his eyes, his ears, his nose, his mouth and his hands were all open, and there was no need to close them anymore. She opened her mouth and did a loud scream, so everybody all around the world could hear her, but it was so loud that they needed to close their ears.

Ibrahim Rami

Membre de la rédaction neuchâteloise de Voix d’Exils